My Favorite LOST Clips

03 March 2009

Sawyer's Nicknames!

I believe I promised a "Jeremy Bentham" recap several days ago...but alas, Midterm Craziness is catching up to me right now. But, I definitely promise to do a recap of that episode some time this weekend considering it's my #2 favorite episode of all-time (yes, ranked considerably higher than the episode where we learned the origin of Jack's tattoos; oh the intrigue!). I've got a lot to talk about, for sure.

In the meantime, I just thought I'd post one of my favorite fan-edited LOST videos. This one is a compilation of all of Sawyer's nicknames from the first three seasons. It's pretty hilarious! So give it a watch and relive Sawyer's innate wittiness.

Some of my favorite Sawyerisms from the video:

"Skeletor seems to like it! Bottoms up!" *knocks beercan to skeleton head*

"Whatchu gonna do now, muchacha?"

"What do you think Captain Bunnykiller's gonna do when he catches us?"

"Well gosh, you sure know how to butter a man up, Stay Puff."

"Thank you, BOAR EXPERT!"

"If this were a scary movie I'd be with a hot chick, not you, Barbar."

"Ooh, looks like Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon got something good!"

"You too, Brutus?"

"Oh happy day; here comes Doctor Giggles."

"Yeah, yeah, Snuffie!"

Good ol' Sawyer! He's got the greatest one-liners ever.

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