My Favorite LOST Clips

25 March 2009

Quick Hi[tz]: "He's Our You"

To be honest, this wasn't my most favorite of episodes. And I guess that correlates with the fact that I've not been a big Sayid fan over the past season-and-a-half. When I made my "death predictions" several posts back I included Sayid simply because I don't know why he's in the show anymore. I don't know what his "purpose" is, if you will. Well, things certainly got interesting toward the end of this here episode, didn't they?!

Some of my "quick hitz" before I delve deeper this weekend:

* I really loved the opening scene in Iraq with Little Sayid and the chicken. You don't see much of these old-fashioned flashbacks anymore thanks to all the flash-forwards and time-jumping of the past couple seasons. So major kudos to this simple scene! RIP chicken.

* I loved the Dharma outcast dude living in the middle of the jungle with his hippie music and southern drawl. I was hoping it'd be somebody we already knew because of the dramatic reveal, but I dug his odd quirkiness. The dynamic of watching Sawyer react to what was going on to his old Arabic friend was pretty intense. And the "he's our you" line was pretty poetic too. Nice, LaFleur.

* I absolutely loved the scene with Little Ben and his dad. Makes you feel kinda sorry for the little bug-eyed booger, huh? Random sidenote: they found the PERFECT little kid to play young Ben. Seriously, those eyes...

* "Ann Arbor"...during the Dharma meeting where they voted to kill Sayid, Radzinski mentioned something about Ann Arbor...which I do believe is Dharma Headquarters. Hmm...

* Where was Dr. Chang during that meeting? You know, the Asian dude in all those Dharma videos who made a great (GREAT) appearance last week with Jack? Does he not matter in the to-kill-or-not-to-kill Dharma votes? And who's really in charge here? Horace? Dr. Chang? Ann Arbor?

* Obviously the highlight moment was the final scene where Sayid shoots an innocent Benjamin Linus. Shocking indeed! The scene is naturally made to make us think that Sayid just drastically changed history with one fell-swoop...but hoooooold your horses there. I don't think it really works like that. The writers of this beloved show of ours have frequently said that none of this is "Purgatory" or "a dream" because it would lessen the stakes of everything we've experienced. Basically, if it's all not real, then what would be the point of the journey? Similarly, if Ben died (as in, permanently) then none of what we've seen of him ever even happened. And that's just stupid. So, as of now my primary theory is that Ben gets resurrected a-la Locke in the future. It would explain how he had that knowing look with Jack in the future that Locke wasn't really dead. That's my number one, far-out theory. My second theory...quite simply, is that Ben isn't dead. Period. Just because he was shot doesn't mean he died then-and-there. So, perhaps with the aid of a doctor (Jack?) and a little island healing, young Bengie will be back on his feet in no-time.

I prefer the resurrection theory though.

As I said, I'll be back this weekend for more!


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