My Favorite LOST Clips

16 March 2009

Death Forthcoming

Just thought I'd pop in and give a link to a brief EW article I came across the other day. It says that we can expect (at least) two major-slash-majorish deaths by season's end.

My predictions?

Sayid ("major")
Penny ("majorish")

I think Penny will ultimately die (if she's not dead already [thanks Ben!]) and force Desmond back to the island (per the words of my love, Ms. Hawking). As for Sayid...that one's really just a shot in the dark. Personally I just don't see what Sayid's point is anymore. What purpose does he serve? There's no way Jack, Kate, Sawyer, or Hurley can die before the final that basically just leaves Sayid along with a few other "major" characters.

We'll eventually see how good my crystal ball vision is!


  1. I don't think it'll be Sayid. Perhaps, Daniel or Miles. Preferably Miles!
    My wild-card death would be Hurley, only because I know Jorge's girlfriend is moving to London, and he might move to be with her-maybe? But I think it'll be Daniel or Miles.

  2. Miles aint no "major" death. Daniel, maybe. But
