My Favorite LOST Clips

05 March 2009

Quick Hi[tz]: LaFleur

Even in the midst of Midterm Mayhem at UGA (the LAST TIME I'll ever experience this particular variety of chaos!), LOST beckons me to post something. This one won't be nearly as detailed and in-depth as the "Locke=Jesus?" post from a while back, but hey, it'll be something.

The plan from here on out is to come back here every Wednesday night and just post something really quick. My stand-out moments from the night's episode. Some "quick hits," if you will.

But naturally, "hits" will be spelled and formatted as "hi[tz]". Because I'm cool like that.

After the pure amazingness of "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" last week, I wondered how this episode would go. I'll admit that it felt a little shaky at first - zipping back and forth across a three year span, seemingly cramming the island's three years into just a single episode whereas we've been off-island with the Oceanic Six over the course of one+ seasons.

But the episode grew on me as it progressed. And in my opinion it was James Ford's (aka Sawyer, aka Jim, aka LaFleur, aka THEGUYINLOVEWITHJULIETISOFRIKINCALLEDIT!) most shining moment in nearly five full seasons of LOST.

But alas, I'm wading too deep for now. Time to touch on my standout momen[tz]:

(I told you, I'm cool like that.)

* ZOMG, IT'S THE GIANT FOUR-TOED STATUE! ONLY IT'S...IT'S...BIGGER! Anyone remember the four-toed statue from the season 2 finale? Anyone? Anyone??? Well, I sure do. Let's refresh our memories, shall we?

Sayid, Sun, and Jin spotted this odd structure whilst taking the "Elizabeth" (Desmond's sailboat) around the island in hopes of meeting up with the Michael-led group of their fellow survivors to trick the Others (if you'll recall, that didn't go so well). Anyway, this foot statue has been driving me crazy ever since they randomly showed it so long ago. Obviously we were led to believe that that giant Egyptianey statue Sawyer and Gang saw for a split-second was the REST of the structure. Question though: is it? And since when did Egyptians live on LOST Island? Seriously, what's with all the hieroglyphics on the island too?!

* Horace is back! I don't remember a whole lot from his prior appearance on the show. I'd have to go back and rewatch it somewhere. I do remember that he appeared in one of Locke's dreams/visions and he was chopping trees down with a bloody head. Oh Horace; just use dynamite. It's so much easier. And funner.

* Jin speaks fluent English now! Who cares about Rosetta Stone? Just get yourself stranded on an island for three years with a group of people who speak the language you wish to learn and you'll be speaking said language in no-time.

* Loved the moment where Daniel spotted Little Charlotte frolicking about. Poor girl. She has no idea that one day her brain will fry and blood will spew endlessly from her nose. I'm definitely looking forward to the moment when Daniel tells her to not come back to the island lest she attain the aforementioned bloody fate.

* Sawyer and Juliet finally connect! Woo! I've been predicting this ever since the season 3 finale. And I must say, I'm delighted to have seen it play out as such. But more than the satisfaction I've received from being right...I actually enjoy them together. I really do. Kate being with Sawyer has never really felt right to me. Jack's always been the hero, Kate the heroine. It only makes sense that THEY would be together. So ever since Sawyer and Juliet went on a mission together back to the beach to save the bound-and-captured Jin/Bernard/Sayid in season 3's finale, I've really been pulling for this. And I like it.

* And finally, the VW bus driving up to meet Sawyer. Talk about a great moment! Question now (aside from how conflicted our new hero must feel!): where are Sun and Sayid? And where (...when?) is Locke and the 316'ers? Something tells me our new group of castaways are not in 1974 with the Oceanic Six and Dharma Town...

That's all for Quick Hi[tz] tonight. But I'll be back to get LOST this weekend! Among many other things, you can guarantee I'll mention something of my distaste for the fact that we have TWO WEEKS until the next episode...


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