My Favorite LOST Clips

21 February 2009

The "TZ" stands for my initials...get it?

Hey everyone! Or should I actually say: "Hey, one"? I'm not really sure how much readership I'll get out of this, but suddenly I've gotten an itching to blog about all things LOST, my most favorite non-SURVIVOR show. I guess the life of this blog will depend on a lot of various factors (readership, my own personal schedule with classes and work, etc.), but ideally I'd like to be able to write something here once a week. I might focus solely on the previous episode, or jump around to "others" (oh boy, I foresee a lot of lame jokes like that to come...). Basically, I'll just write about whatever comes to mind!

And here's a spoiler for what's first on the docket...

John Locke. Jesus Christ. Oh yes. Bring on the heresy.

1 comment:

  1. actually, the "losties" are survivors, so actually, LOST is not a non-Survivor show...and also, Jesus doesn't like to be compared to John Locke
