My Favorite LOST Clips

01 April 2009

Quick Hi[tz]: "Whatever Happened, Happened"

Well, after a couple of the more slowly paced episodes in LOST history, tonight's episode dived right back into the mystery of this show and propelled us forward again. And a ton of stuff actually got revealed! Right off the top of my head...

1) Ben didn't die. Told ya! Turns out BOTH of my theories may have actually been right...sorta. For one, Sayid's bullet didn't kill Ben; I had a feeling. But I also had a feeling that if Jack didn't save him that something miraculous must happen to him. If not resurrection, then...something. Sure enough, we see Richard Alpert taking Little Ben into the temple as the episode comes to a close. The only thing we really know about the temple is that our good friend Smokey the Smoke Monster lives there, so it's anyone's guess as to what happens to Ben there and causes him to "lose his innocence." So foreboding!

2) When Sawyer whispered into Kate's ear in the season four finale, he told her to check up on his long lost daughter Clementine. This had long been speculated, so it wasn't that big of a shock for me. Still, it was nice to FINALLY see this part of Kate's story unfold. I like Cassidy too, so it was great to see her on the show again.

3)We got a little intentional playfulness/serious explanation when it comes to this whole timeline business with the Miles/Hurley exchanges. Basically they just reinforced what I'd already figured: everyone in Dharmaville minus the time travelers are operating on their normal timeline (the PAST) and therefore their lives CANNOT be altered. But all the time travelers are currently in their own PRESENT, so therefore anything can happen to them. Well, unless their lives interfere with the Dharma people in which case they're predestined to do whatever it is they're supposed to do to/with them (eg Juliet delivering Amy's baby, Evil Other Ethan).

4) Aaron was returned to his rightful owner. Like a lost dog. Naturally the whole episode had us thinking Kate would leave him with Cassidy and Clementine, but then at the end she gives him up to his long lost grandmother. That's gotta be a little awkward for a small three-year-old boy, right? Suddenly being abandoned by your mom for this old Australian woman? Question: will Aaron now grow up with an American accent or an Australian one? The plot thickens.

5) And finally, we know why Kate came back to the island. It wasn't (necessarily...) to see Sawyer again, but it was to find Claire. If I had to guess, I'd say Claire's hanging out somewhere with Charlie in the great mystical land of the Undead. So uh, good luck with that Kate!

Next week's episode looks like a GREAT one. Can't wait to uncover a little bit more of the mystery of Benjamin Linus.

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